You might be wondering where I come in. Well, here's the deal.
The goal with my organization is to get the work of Bible Translation into the hands of the Tanzanians. But they need some help. There are 8 families and a whole lot more people involved in helping train the Tanzanians, helping to "check" the work, and getting the materials printed. There are also a lot of people doing "behind the scenes" work to fix computers when they break, getting money where it needs to go (so we can all eat!), and lots of other things you wouldn't think about. THESE are the families that I am teaching. Because the fact is, without these families, there wouldn't be any Bible Translation going on, and without teachers, the families have to go back to their home countries! And then these 9 languages don't get any Scripture in a language they understand.
Here are the cool families Miss Lyndy and I get to work with every day... or at least, I will be when I get there!
The Gilmores have been working with the Zinza people for a LONG time! Their dad helps keep everyone going on Translation and works with Bible Translation for the Zinza. Their mom helps teach at the school right now, but does a LOT of other things as well. |
The Wimbushes are from the States as well. Their mom helps with teaching along with lots of other things, and their dad helps get our new buildings put together. He will also soon be helping get translated Scripture onto CDs and the radio for people to listen to! |
The Nicholls are from the States AND Australia. Their dad helps with the translation process and their mom helps take care of everyone in our organization. |
The Kamphuis are from the Netherlands. Their oldest may start coming to the school sometimes, but she usually gets taught by her mom in Dutch! Their dad works with Bible Translation, and their mom (when she's not teaching) helps too. |
The Brewertons are from New Zealand, near Australia. Their dad helps coordinate translation and works with Bible Translation too. Their mom usually teaches their kids (since New Zealand is on a different schedule, it makes it hard for them to be in school with everyone else!), helps some with teaching the Tanzanians how to read their own language, and helps collect prayer requests from everyone so we can keep praying for each other. |
The Bitikofers are new to Tanzania this year, and are just arriving in Musoma for the first time after learning Swahili at Language School. Their dad will be helping to manage everything going on at the office in Musoma, which is a BIG task! |
Next in line to come to Musoma are the Gerths. They used to live in Holland, MI (near where I'm from!) and I am SO excited to have some Michiganders with me in Musoma! Their dad will be helping do translation work and checking in Musoma. |
Last but not least are the Cogdills. They are a family of 8 and are bound and determined to get to Tanzania, one way or another! Their dad will be helping keep all our computers working so Bible Translation can keep going. I look forward to meeting them when they get there! |
8 families. Lots of people. One team. All working together to get God's Word into the languages people in Tanzania understand best!
Want to help?
Click HERE to see how you can be praying for the Translation process and language work that we're doing in Musoma!!!