Monday, October 14, 2013

Saying Goodbyes

Have you ever... looked forward to your birthday?  My students count down the days for months!  It's probably a bit more exciting when you're 5 years old than when you're 30, but birthdays are a great way for family and friends to help make you feel special and appreciated on your special day!
Students at school helping to celebrate my birthday!

We recently celebrated the birthday of one of my students in class a bit early.  It was a happy and sad day all mixed into one busy day.  "Why sad?" You might ask.  Well, not only did we celebrate Alex, her joy, smiles, brilliance, and all of who God has made her to be... but we were also saying goodbye to her and her sisters on their last day of school.
Don't let the smiles fool you - saying goodbyes to good friends is HARD!
Alex's family is originally from New Zealand, a beautiful country near Australia.  They've lived in Musoma for 5 years now, and for little Alex, this place is home.  But it's time for them to return to family, friends, and a new job in New Zealand. 
A Map of the World
There's a funny thing about living overseas and being a missionary kid.  You get to meet some of the most amazing people from all over the world, and have friends from tons of different countries... but when it's time for someone to go back to their home country, there's a very good chance you'll NEVER see them again.  When a kid moves from your school in Michigan, or New York, or Florida, they might only move across town or a couple of hours away.  Chances are you could still call them on the phone to catch up, or have them over for your birthday.  But when Alex goes back to New Zealand, she'll literally be half a world away.  It will be a long time before we get to see her again!

Would you pray for Alex and her family?  They will be leaving next week, and have a lot of craziness ahead of them!  You could pray for:
  • Great new friends
  • A fabulous school and teachers
  • Safe travels
  • A nice place to live when they get there... and...
  • for God to give them peace and comfort when they're scared, feeling lost, or even homesick for Tanzania 
Thanks so much!  I'm so excited to see what God has planned for Alex and for her family!

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